
Horror Contacts

8 products

  • Dracula Horror Lens - HoneyColor Dracula Horror Lens - HoneyColor Dracula Horror Lens - HoneyColor Dracula Horror Lens - HoneyColor

    Dracula Horror Lens

    Order today before 2PM, shipped today  Orders Processing
    Orders are processed and shipped from Monday to Friday, according to the UTC+8 time zone. Please note that order processing may be delayed during public holidays, as these are not standard business days. We appreciate your patience and understanding during these periods.

    When you shop with us, we understand you want your items as soon as possible. That's why we offer "Order Today, Shipped Today" service. Simply place your order before 2 PM, and we guarantee that it will be processed, packed, and shipped out on the same day. This means less waiting and more time to enjoy your purchase. We strive to provide you with the best possible shopping experience, and our fast shipping is just one of the ways we do that.

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    To calculate delivery time, add together the processing time (1 working day), shipping time (approx. 3-15 working days), and customs and import processing time (if applicable). This will give you an estimated delivery date.


    3 Months / 2 Lenses

  • Eclipse Crazy Lens - HoneyColor Eclipse Crazy Lens - HoneyColor Eclipse Crazy Lens - HoneyColor Eclipse Crazy Lens - HoneyColor Eclipse Crazy Lens - HoneyColor Eclipse Crazy Lens - HoneyColor

    Eclipse Crazy Lens

    Order today before 2PM, shipped today  Orders Processing
    Orders are processed and shipped from Monday to Friday, according to the UTC+8 time zone. Please note that order processing may be delayed during public holidays, as these are not standard business days. We appreciate your patience and understanding during these periods.

    When you shop with us, we understand you want your items as soon as possible. That's why we offer "Order Today, Shipped Today" service. Simply place your order before 2 PM, and we guarantee that it will be processed, packed, and shipped out on the same day. This means less waiting and more time to enjoy your purchase. We strive to provide you with the best possible shopping experience, and our fast shipping is just one of the ways we do that.

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    To calculate delivery time, add together the processing time (1 working day), shipping time (approx. 3-15 working days), and customs and import processing time (if applicable). This will give you an estimated delivery date.


    3 Months / 2 Lenses

  • Bloody Vampire Horror Lens - HoneyColor Bloody Vampire Horror Lens - HoneyColor

    Bloody Vampire Horror Lens

    Order today before 2PM, shipped today  Orders Processing
    Orders are processed and shipped from Monday to Friday, according to the UTC+8 time zone. Please note that order processing may be delayed during public holidays, as these are not standard business days. We appreciate your patience and understanding during these periods.

    When you shop with us, we understand you want your items as soon as possible. That's why we offer "Order Today, Shipped Today" service. Simply place your order before 2 PM, and we guarantee that it will be processed, packed, and shipped out on the same day. This means less waiting and more time to enjoy your purchase. We strive to provide you with the best possible shopping experience, and our fast shipping is just one of the ways we do that.

    Calculate delivery time?
    To calculate delivery time, add together the processing time (1 working day), shipping time (approx. 3-15 working days), and customs and import processing time (if applicable). This will give you an estimated delivery date.


    3 Months / 2 Lenses

  • Dracula Red Horror Lens - HoneyColor Dracula Red Horror Lens - HoneyColor Dracula Red Horror Lens - HoneyColor Dracula Red Horror Lens - HoneyColor

    Dracula Red Horror Lens

    Order today before 2PM, shipped today  Orders Processing
    Orders are processed and shipped from Monday to Friday, according to the UTC+8 time zone. Please note that order processing may be delayed during public holidays, as these are not standard business days. We appreciate your patience and understanding during these periods.

    When you shop with us, we understand you want your items as soon as possible. That's why we offer "Order Today, Shipped Today" service. Simply place your order before 2 PM, and we guarantee that it will be processed, packed, and shipped out on the same day. This means less waiting and more time to enjoy your purchase. We strive to provide you with the best possible shopping experience, and our fast shipping is just one of the ways we do that.

    Calculate delivery time?
    To calculate delivery time, add together the processing time (1 working day), shipping time (approx. 3-15 working days), and customs and import processing time (if applicable). This will give you an estimated delivery date.


    3 Months / 2 Lenses

  • Tokyo Ghoul Rize Anime Lens - HoneyColor Tokyo Ghoul Rize Anime Lens - HoneyColor Tokyo Ghoul Rize Anime Lens - HoneyColor Tokyo Ghoul Rize Anime Lens - HoneyColor Tokyo Ghoul Rize Anime Lens - HoneyColor

    Tokyo Ghoul Rize Anime Lens

    Order today before 2PM, shipped today  Orders Processing
    Orders are processed and shipped from Monday to Friday, according to the UTC+8 time zone. Please note that order processing may be delayed during public holidays, as these are not standard business days. We appreciate your patience and understanding during these periods.

    When you shop with us, we understand you want your items as soon as possible. That's why we offer "Order Today, Shipped Today" service. Simply place your order before 2 PM, and we guarantee that it will be processed, packed, and shipped out on the same day. This means less waiting and more time to enjoy your purchase. We strive to provide you with the best possible shopping experience, and our fast shipping is just one of the ways we do that.

    Calculate delivery time?
    To calculate delivery time, add together the processing time (1 working day), shipping time (approx. 3-15 working days), and customs and import processing time (if applicable). This will give you an estimated delivery date.


    3 Months / 2 Lenses

  • Red Shoot Horror Lens - HoneyColor Red Shoot Horror Lens - HoneyColor Red Shoot Horror Lens - HoneyColor Red Shoot Horror Lens - HoneyColor

    Red Shoot Horror Lens


    3 Months / 2 Lenses

  • Red Vessels Blue Rim Horror Lens - HoneyColor Red Vessels Blue Rim Horror Lens - HoneyColor Red Vessels Blue Rim Horror Lens - HoneyColor Red Vessels Blue Rim Horror Lens - HoneyColor Red Vessels Blue Rim Horror Lens - HoneyColor

    Red Vessels Blue Rim Horror Lens


    3 Months / 2 Lenses

  • Mutant Eyes Horror Lens - HoneyColor Mutant Eyes Horror Lens - HoneyColor Mutant Eyes Horror Lens - HoneyColor Mutant Eyes Horror Lens - HoneyColor

    Mutant Eyes Horror Lens


    3 Months / 2 Lenses


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Unleash the Ultimate Scare Factor.
Welcome to the chilling world of HoneyColor's Horror Contact Lenses. Our collection is a treasure trove for those who love to indulge in the spine-tingling thrill of horror, perfect for Halloween, horror-themed events, or film productions. If you're looking to add a genuinely terrifying touch to your costume, our lenses are your gateway to becoming the creature of nightmares.

A Spine-Chilling Variety Awaits You.
Our range of horror contact lenses is diverse and eerie. From the undead gaze of a zombie to the bloodthirsty stare of a vampire, and the demonic eyes of otherworldly creatures, we have everything to make your horror vision come to life. Each lens design is crafted to evoke fear and intrigue, ensuring you grab attention for all the spooktastic reasons.

Transforming Your Look into Something Horrific.
The power of our horror lenses lies in their ability to transform your appearance completely. Whether you're aiming for a subtly creepy vibe or an outright petrifying look, these lenses are the key. Pair them with your costume and makeup to create an ensemble that's both horrifying and mesmerizing.

From the Subtly Creepy to the Outright Terrifying.
Our collection caters to a range of horror preferences. For those who prefer a hint of eeriness, we have lenses that add a subtle unnaturalness to your eyes. And for those who revel in the extremes, our more terrifying designs will not disappoint. Embrace the darkness of horror with lenses that are as spooky as they are captivating.

Tales from the Crypt: Customer Experiences.
Our customers are thrilled with the horror transformations our lenses have enabled. They share stories of haunted parties and film sets where their lens-induced gaze became the talk of the event. It's not just about the look; it's about the eerie vibe these lenses bring to life.

Safety in Horror: Caring for Your Lenses.
While our lenses bring your horrifying visions to life, your safety remains a top priority. It's crucial to follow proper lens care guidelines to maintain both the quality of the lenses and the health of your eyes. Regular cleaning and proper storage are key, and we provide all the information you need to keep your scary look safe.

Are You Ready to Be Frightfully Fantastic?
Step into the realm of horror with HoneyColor's Horror Contact Lenses. Explore our collection today and choose the perfect pair to unleash your inner ghoul, ghost, or goblin. Whether it's for a night of terror or a production that requires the essence of horror, we have you covered.

Shop Now and Bring Your Frightful Vision to Life

What makes horror contact lenses a popular choice for Halloween and themed events?
Horror contact lenses are incredibly popular for Halloween and themed events because they add a level of authenticity and intensity to costumes that makeup alone cannot achieve. These lenses transform the eyes in a way that deeply enhances the overall effect of horror-themed characters, making them appear more realistic and frightening. Whether you're portraying a zombie, vampire, or other supernatural entity, horror lenses intensify your look, making it more immersive and impactful for both the wearer and the audience.

How do horror lenses differ from regular colored contact lenses in terms of design?
Horror contact lenses differ significantly from regular colored contact lenses in their design. While colored lenses aim to mimic natural eye colors or provide a subtle enhancement, horror lenses are designed to create a dramatic, often unnatural appearance. They feature bold colors, stark contrasts, and unique patterns that can alter the shape of the pupil or the entire eye, creating effects that are eerie, unsettling, or outright monstrous. This makes them perfect for achieving an over-the-top, theatrical look.

Are horror contact lenses safe to wear, and what precautions should I take?
Horror contact lenses, like all contact lenses, are safe to wear when used correctly. However, due to their dramatic design, it's particularly important to purchase them from reputable sources to ensure they meet safety standards. Users should always follow proper hygiene practices, such as washing hands before handling the lenses, using appropriate lens solution for cleaning and storing, and never sharing lenses with others. Additionally, it's advisable to limit wearing time, especially if the lenses cause any discomfort, and to consult an eye care professional if you have any concerns.

Can horror contact lenses be used more than once, and how should they be stored?
Yes, many horror contact lenses are designed for multiple uses, but their lifespan depends on the specific type and how well they are cared for. To ensure they can be used more than once, it's essential to clean them thoroughly after each use with appropriate contact lens solution and store them in a clean, dry contact lens case. Always ensure the lenses are completely submerged in fresh solution and replace the solution regularly. Following these care instructions will help maintain the lenses' quality and safety for repeated use.

How can I choose the right horror contact lenses to match my costume?
Choosing the right horror contact lenses for your costume involves considering both the character you're portraying and the overall effect you wish to achieve. Think about the key features of your character – for example, vampires often have red or black eyes, while zombies might have cloudy or bloodshot patterns. Also, consider the intensity of your look; some characters may require more subtle enhancements, while others might benefit from a more dramatic transformation. It's also important to factor in your own comfort with wearing contact lenses, especially if you're not used to them.


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